Monday, September 8, 2008

Gold M-166 Spiral Disks

These disks are made with Double Helix odd lot "M-166" or "pinky purple luster." I love the beautiful light gold color of this glass! It's been a while since I've made some of these:M-166 Disk Beads
Last night Double Helix had another "lurk and grab" session. That's when they upload new test batches and odd lots to their site in the middle of the night. I lurked and grabbed. I only meant to spend about $100 but when I saw all the odd lots available I went a WEE BIT over budget :)
Here is one of the odds I got that looks a lot like M-166:M-232Br Double Helix Odd LotI can't wait till my odd lots arrive. Now I'll be stalking the mail lady!

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